We are thrilled to announce we will be running our Bric by Bric Development School again this year. The course will commence at the start of October 2021 and run for 20 weeks on a fortnightly basis. Each session will start at 9.30am here in Ashton Old Baths in our recently Grade II refurbished meeting...
JV North Framework 2021-2025
We are thrilled to announce that our client JV North has launched a £560m Framework to build 4,000 homes. JV North, whose members manage over 125,000 homes, is inviting contractors and consultants to bid for places on its four-year framework across 3 Contractor lots and 9 Consultant Lots. Saffer Cooper will be assisting JV North...
Bric by Bric – Development School
We are thrilled to be working in partnership with Wilkinson Cowan to launch a new and exciting training programme aimed at colleagues in their first development role. The programme has been written specifically for Housing Association development teams and delivered by construction professionals. The aim of the programme is to provide a solid understanding of...
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We are recruiting
Are you looking for a new challenge? We are now recruiting! We need someone to join our growing practice based in Manchester. We are fortunate to have a wide range of clients from large Registered Providers’s, to housing consortium’s, to small but wonderful almshouses and everything in between. The role will demand the upmost flexibility and...
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We are on the MOVE! 21st April 2017
Almshouse Consortium Programme 2015-2018 Brochure
It is an exciting time for Almshouse Consortium Limited (ACL) the group representing almshouse charities in the UK that wish to develop their properties in co-operation with the Homes and Communities Agency (HCA) through their Investment Partner system. Given that we are mid-programme now in the 2015-18 phase our member charities have many excellent projects...
"Almshouse Consortium Programme 2015-2018 Brochure"Continue reading
Shrewsbury Drapers Foundation Stone Laying Ceremony, 20th January 2016
Saffer Cooper were delighted to attend the foundation stone laying ceremony for our client Shewsbury Drapers on the 20th January 2016. We are working with the Drapers developing a 25 unit newbuild sheltered scheme called Drapers Place, in central Shrewsbury with funding from the Homes and Communities Agency. The event, covered by the BBC...
Exciting News!
We are delighted to confirm that Mark Edwards has joined Saffer Cooper in the role of Head of Development. Mark has many years of experience in property development and management and will bring additional skills to our practice. Until recently Mark worked for Symphony Housing Group in the role of Senior Project Manager where he...
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Changing times…
Having provided housing consultancy services for in excess of 20yrs we believed that we understood the various nuances of this key element of the UK economy but the current rate and range of change has even taken us by slight surprise. Housing is a key strand of the economy and yet its widely accepted by...
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Remodelling begins soon at the John Abbotts Ladies Almshouse
The John Abbotts Ladies almshouse charity in Halifax is about to start its first project on listed buildings. With funding from the Homes and Communities Agency the first phase is a remodelling of the old lodge into two ground floor bungalows. With Saffer Cooper, further phases of work are in the pipeline and some newbuild...
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